Sunday, October 31, 2010

Advertising is all about trying to sell products through imagery. I think almost every American over the age of 12 can identify this ad:

It is the iconic Air Jordan symbol. It for many represents the American dream: overcoming our short comings and persevering until we do in fact reach our dreams. It is now a trademarked brand and logo because of how the American consumer embraced Michael Jordan's underdog story and him, as an athlete and as a human being. Now as a brand, it represents almost an elitist club-"amazing athletes need the equipment from an amazing athlete." Not only does this brand reach out to serious athletes but has also become a somewhat fashion forward brand as far as athletic ear is concerned. Many young rap and R&B artists have been spotted wearing their Air Jordan shoes or clothing. This ad speaks to both these demographics, but also to anyone who's heartstrings would be tugged just by seeing this image and reliving the first time they saw Michael flying through the air! The Air Jordan brand fills the need of to be a part of something great. A sense of belonging to a group with a man that captivated our hearts. We too can be "a Jordan" by wearing Air Jordan. That being said while their are many of us that will revel in those feelings of MJ when seeing this symbol, such as myself, I won't be out buying and Air Jordan stuff anytime soon. I feel that many woman and especially the 40+ crowd would not be heavily persuaded by this ad, Air Jordan is a more youthful label.

Here is another ad that most people are familiar with: it is one the famous Corona beach ads. These as always feature a man and woman relaxing on a beautiful beach with their Coronas. Corona is connoting a feeling of relaxation and pure bliss with these ads. You too could be sexy, just vacationing your life away if you drink Corona! Many alcohol companies sell sex and partying, but Corona sells oasis living. Obviously they are marketing these ads to adults over 21 years of age  who need to feel their need for a little time out in their lives. We as Americans run and run and run ourselves all day long, we really feel the longing to slow down the pace and Corona gives us this image of what we long for: relaxation and peace! Does it deliver? I don't drink alcohol so you'll have to be your own judge..... I don't believe that certain "other beer brand drinkers" would be too persuaded b y this ad. I know many people who are die hard to one brand of beer and I don't this ad would bring any feelings of relaxation and bliss. 

This next ad is for fashion designer Michael Kors. You know the expression, "The clothes make the man" or should I say "woman?" That is exactly what Kors is selling. The picture itself shows a very attractive woman stepping out of a fancy car, all put together with her high-end sexy-yet-polished fashion. She seems to have it all together. It is screaming "Woman of the world, envy me." And we as normal woman of the world, often do. The reality of this photograph is that this girl is actually 16, not mid 20's or 30's as they would have you to perceive. Her hips have not yet widened from having babies nor has her skin started to sag in certain areas due to time and gravity. But still many of of look at her and think, "I wish I looked like that." 
Because of advertisements such as this one, men have engrained this idea of a woman into their heads and woman feel like they need to compete with this woman. We have given ourselves as woman such low self esteem and this need for physical beauty to feel that void. That is why fashion ads have and will continue to target woman in their 20's to 50's. And that is why fashion advertisements will only continue to get smaller and "sexier" models in them, to further our complex and increase their bottom line. Men are less likely to see this ad, and go out and buy a Fall 2010 Michael Kors dress. They don't have this constant stream of media telling them that they need to be skinnier, prettier, and more fashion-foward to be of value.

Well, whatever the product is, the advertisement behind it, will not only be marketing a product, but rather an ideal or hope of what life could be like if you too owned such an amazing product! 

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