Friday, November 5, 2010

Saturday Night Live (SNL) - The Miley Cyrus Show Parody (HD)

Above is a video done by the amazing SNL cast entitled," The Miley Cyrus Show." It is a combination of a pastiche and parody wrapped into a few minutes of hilarious entertainment. I assume that almost every person in the US, or at least everyone who has a television and/or internet, knows who Miley Cyrus is. But, unless you have had the pleasure, and I use that term loosely, to have seen Hannah Montana on Disney channel, you may not "get" the hilarity of this clip.

I have two small children, so I have seen my fair share of Hannah and Miley. The actress in this skit is dead-on in her imitation of Miley. That is why this video is a bit of a pastiche. Miley has that southern twang, the really big teeth smile, and she does talk very fast and say such things as, "shaalllow." It is also a parody in the fact that this video is also making fun of Miley. Everything is over-exaggerated. Her twang, the rambling dialogue, the over dramatic looks, the relationship with her and her dad, Billy Ray, her self-centerness, and over dramatic attitude and lack of acting skills are all over-exaggerated and that is what makes this video a parody. And truthfully, that's where we get the humor from. It's funny because there is truth to the performance, but acted out in such a way that as a viewer we are left laughing, not saying, "poor Miley, they are making fun of her." It is truly one of my favorite SNL clips right now. I hope you too enjoy!

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